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Procedurally generated geometry fails to use shaders

Progressive Lightmapper


Geometry generated using DrawProceduralIndirect API fails to use assigned shaders correctly and returns black output.

Repro steps:

1. Oped attached projects "Scene" scene
2. Enter Play mode
3. In the "Grid resolution" enter 24 and press "Start"
4. See that the object is spawned and it's white/grey
5. Exit Play mode
6. Click on "File" -> "Build Settings" -> "Build and Run" (Build to "Standalone")
7. Press "Play!"
8. In the "Grid resolution" enter 24 and press "Start"

Reproduced with: 5.6.0f3, 5.6.1p1, 2017.1.0b6, 2017.2.0a1
Regression introduced in: 5.6.0f3
Did not reproduce on: 5.5.3p4

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