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Setting Serialization mode to Force Text results in a size of the List being set to 0 after reloading the Scene



How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached "GlobalTest" project and open "ExampleScene" scene
2. Inspect the GameObject, notice that there is a List of 10 empty elements
3. Reload the scene and notice that size of the List didn't change
4. Go to Edit --> Project Settings --> Editor and set Asset Serialization mode to "Force Text"
5. Reload the scene

Expected result: Size of the List is still 10 as it was before
Actual result: Size of the List is set to 0, every time you reload the scene

1. This appears only to happen with the Lists containing Empty objects, if String or Text elements are used, after reload, List size is set to 10 as expected

Reproducible with - 2017.1.0b4, 5.6.0p4, 5.5.3p2, 5.4.5f1

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