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SetBool function is not called when the object is set to inactive



When a SetBool function is called the ButterflyBoid(Clone) should be in idle state, however the function does not appear to be called if the Boid Controller object is set from an inactive state to active at the start of the game.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Open attached project
2. Open Boid Demo scene
3. Play the scene
4. Select ButterflyBoid(Clone)
5. Observe the idle state in the animator window

Expected result: idleState should be set to true
Actual result: idleState is set to false

Working with: 5.6.0b9, 5.6.0b5
Reproducible in: 5.5.2f1, 5.5.1f1

Note: 5.4 versions produce a crash when the project is oppened

Comments (1)

  1. jmahan

    Feb 13, 2019 16:07

    Is this fix still in review? It seems like this has gone a long time without resolution.

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