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Serialization errors thrown during build proccess does not specify which class is being referred to



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project ("")
2. Notice the ''NewBehaviourScript.test' hides inherited member 'baseScript.test'' warning in the Console
3. Build the project
4. Notice 'The same field name is serialized multiple times in the class or its parent class.' error

Expected result: Error can be double-clicked to open referred class in the code editor
Actual result: Error can't be double-clicked and does not specify the referred class

Reproducible with: 2018.4.23f1, 2019.3.14f1, 2020.1.0b9, 2020.2.0a11

1. During the build process, warnings are thrown pinpointing the cause of the issue, which can be opened in the code editor
2. The error is thrown only the first time the project is built and does not block project compilation (the build returns success message)

  1. Resolution Note:

    We really appreciate your contribution to the Unity product. Thank you for reporting this issue. We take every case submitted to us seriously by investigating the impact on you, our customer, as well as the impact it may have on the engineering and experience of our product.

    This particular case has been investigated thoroughly and we have decided, in the interests of protecting the stability and features of Unity for users that rely upon the affected versions, to not address this issue.

    In this case the warning is highlighting the problem causing the error in serialization. By fixing this warning you can remove the error in the serialization.

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