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Selecting single child checkbox in "Add modules" window selects all other children

Package: Hub


How to reproduce:
1. Open Unity Hub
2. In the left menu section select "Installs"
3. Choose any Unity version and press on a gear icon
4. In opened submenu select "Add modules"
5. In opened "Add modules" find "Android Build Support"
6. Select one of "Android Build Support" children - "Android SDK & NDK Tools" or "OpenJDK"
7. Observe how other child checkbox is also selected

Expected results: Only parent checkbox and the child selected checkboxes should selected. (All children checkboxes should be selected only when parent is selected first)

Actual results: All children checkboxes are selected including parent.

Reproducible with: 3.3.0


- Tested on Win11
- Could not reproduce on hub version : 3.1.2, 3.2.0

  1. Resolution Note:

    This currently works as designed - to install Android module both submodules are considered as required. However we still leave an option to deselect submodules to support specific cases.

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