Search Issue Tracker


Under Consideration for 2021.3.X, 2022.3.X



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Issue ID




[Shortcuts] Shortcut Manager shortcuts search opens window instead



*Steps to reproduce:*
# Open any project
# Open Shortcuts Manager (Unity > Shortcuts on MacOS)
# Click on the magnifying glass in the search bar above the shortcuts, set search option to "Shortcuts"
# Focus the search bar, then enter ⌘K
# The first time it's working fine
# Second time is actually triggering the shortcut directly

Note : This is also repro with Ctrl+N (⌘N) to open a new scene.

*Actual results:* The Search All window opens. Note that occasionally, ⌘K will enter into the search bar as expected instead, but this does not happen often.

*Expected results:* ⌘K is entered as a shortcut to search in the Shortcuts window.

*Reproducible with versions:* 6000.0.6f1, 2022.3.33f1, 2021.3.38f1

*Tested on (OS):* MacOS

* *I have only tested on MacOS,* will check Windows and update ticket.
* A similar search works fine with the ⌘F shortcut.
* Attached video of this occurring to ticket.

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