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[Windows] Screen.fullScreenMode does not return MaximizedWindow when maximizing the window of a built project



How to reproduce:
1. Open the Scene "SampleScene" in the attached "" Unity project
2. Build the project and run it (File -> Build and Run)
3. Press "Play!" and maximize the game window

Expected result: the text on the display says "MaximizedWindow"
Actual result: the text on the display says "Windowed"

Reproducible with: 2018.4.1f1, 2019.1.4f1, 2019.2.0b3, 2019.3.0a3

Note: not reproducible on Mac. Screen.fullScreenMode was introduced in 2018.3. In version 2019.3.0a1 maximizing sets the mode to full screen.

  1. Resolution Note (2019.3.X):

    This value only applies to "full screen" state and NOT the state of the window, that is "Windowed" mode is always use if the app is displayed in a "window" (as defined by the OS) irregardless of the size or state of that window.

    In Mac OS terminology, it means the app display is "full screen" but the Doc and Menu Bar are still visible, whereas "Windowed" mode is used even if the Mac window is "zoomed".

    Windows doesn't have the same concept of a Maximized Fullscreen display like OSX does and so this setting is not supported on Windows. If you attempt to set this value, it will simply fallback to 'FullscreenWindow' with a Warning logged to the debug console: "MaximizedWindow is not currently supported on Windows, setting to FullsceenWindow instead"

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