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[Scene View][Realtime GI] Inconsistent Behaviour with Scene Visualization Modes

Progressive Lightmapper


There are inconsistent behaviours with different scene visualization modes when auto mode is disabled. In UV Charts and Albedo scene visualization modes, whole data completely disappears when Lightmap Resolution parameter is adjusted in Lighting window. But in Indirect scene visualization mode, only checkers disappear and irradiance data remains in the scene view.

This inconsistency should be addressed.

Steps for reproduction:

1) In a new scene, bake lightmap static objects
2) Disable auto mode and generate the lighting with realtime GI on
3) Switch to Indirect scene visualization mode
4) Adjust Lightmap Resolution parameter and observe that only checkers are gone
5) Switch to Albedo or UV Charts scene visualization mode
6) Observe that whole data disappears when Lightmap Resolution parameter is adjusted

- Scene visualization modes are completely refactored in 5.6.0b6 therefore it is not a regression

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