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Fixed in 5.2.0



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Scene view dims together with other elements of Editor when game is playing

Editor - Other


To reproduce:
1) Create new project
2) Make sure that you see both Scene and Game Views
3) Optional: Change Playmode Tint color in Edit/Preferences/Colors to make it more visible
4) Press "Play"
5) Select game object and notice that scene view tints, making it harder to edit the scene while running. In previous versions scene view wasn't tinted

Comments (5)

  1. mbbmbbmm

    Jun 07, 2015 20:03

    Still in 5.0.2f1. It seemed to work at first. Not sure what triggered it again.

  2. ChrisPie

    May 29, 2015 08:56

    This is still an issue for me in 5.0.1f1.

  3. tylergregg

    Apr 19, 2015 21:58

    Despite listed as fixed in the changelog, this is still happening in 5.0.1p1.

  4. sebeisdrache

    Mar 17, 2015 00:38

    harder to debugg stuff wehn using debug.drawray or line with muliple colors

  5. BakonGuy

    Mar 05, 2015 18:45

    I used a very dark play tint so I don't accidentally edit in play mode, this makes it very annoying to use.

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