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[Scene View] Camera preview window overlaps toolbar of Scene View window when multiple camera previews are available

Scene/Game View


Steps To Reproduce

1. Create a Project
2. Select the Main Camera and duplicate it 5 times
3. Select all the camera instances in Hierarchy

Expected Result:
Multiple camera preview window appear completely within the scene view with a scroll bar

Observed result:
Camera preview overlaps the scene view toolbar and a maximum of 4 previews can be viewed as there's no scroll bar

Reproducible on: 2020.1.0a2, 2019.3.0b1, 2019.2.0f2, 2019.1.0f2


Occurs on Win and Mac

  1. Resolution Note:

    Current limitation of the editor, Note that if the scene view is maximized, a maximum of four preview at a time will fit the frame well. Fixing this behavior actually need a feature request.

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