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Reordering of items by drag&drop in 'Scenes in Build' list looks weird

Deployment Management


1. Add several scene into 'Scenes in Build' list (File -> Build Settings)
2. Drag&Drop the last scene in the list to the beginning of the list

Actual result:
The are 2 UI issues:
1. the blue line (indicator) that visualizes the potential place of the dragged item blinks all the time during the dragging
2. the blue line is not shown when you try to put your scene at the beginning of the list

Tested on:
5.2.4f1 - reproducible
5.3.3p2 - reproducible
5.4.0b7 - reproducible

Comments (2)

  1. Ashen_Shugar

    Aug 06, 2017 11:36

    In same situation as Morgan, plugging a mouse into my laptop and using it let me change the scene order okay, though visually it was still quite dodgy.

  2. Morgan

    Apr 13, 2017 19:26

    Still an issue in 5.5.0f3 (Mac) a year later—or something similar is happening. Haven't tried 5.6.

    It may be worse now: it seems I cannot make any scenes drag at all. The blue line just flickers around crazily.

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