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Issue ID




ReflectionProbe Previews Do Not Scale With Scene 'Gizmo Size'

Scene/Game View



Version 5.3.0f3 (fdc0acad47d2)
Tue, 01 Dec 2015 19:16:49 GMT
Branch: 5.3/release


The large mirrored spheres that appear in the scene view to preview the probe output do not scale when the 'gizmo size' is altered. This means that objects <1m which are using that probe, and are at the same location (which is frequent) are completely obscured when changing parameters on the probe. This makes the process of checking the appearance of the probe impossible without repeatedly selecting and deselecting the probe, which is clunky as hell.


Create a sphere with a scale of 0.8,0.8,0.8 at the origin. Create a reflection probe at the origin with default parameters. Select probe.


The mirrorball probe obscures the object when selected. This might seem trivial, but represents a real PITA for artists placing probes, especially in complex scenes.

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