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ReflectionProbe.defaultTexture changes to UnityBlackCube when changing scenes in Play Mode
Reproduction steps:
1. Open the user’s attached project
2. Open “Assets/Scenes/StartScene.unity” scene
3. Enter Play Mode
4. In Game View, click “Swap Scene”
Expected result: Sphere GameObject is the same as in the previous scene
Actual result: Sphere GameObject default reflection map is now UnityBlackCube
Reproducible with: 2020.3.38f1, 2021.3.9f1, 2022.1.15f1, 2022.2.0b7, 2023.1.0a10
Reproducible on: Windows 10 Pro 21H2
Note: Reproduces on windows and mac builds
Resolution Note:
We are already aware of this issue. It is a duplicate case of a Built-In Skymanager design flaw where if you have not baked the "second" scene then the ambient probe will appear dark. The workaround for this is to bake the scene using the "Generate Lighting" button in the Lighting Window.
Duplicate of another internal issue: UUM-1345: Skybox lighting doesn't update when switching Scenes using SceneManager
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This is a duplicate of issue #UUM-1345