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[Reflection Probes] Crash in reflectionprobes.cpp:1360 ReflectionProbes::BlurProbeFaces
Repro steps:
1. Open ParticleTests_ALL scene from attached project
2. Press Play
3. Unity crashes when using SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync to load a scene with reflection probes.
- Happens as far back as 5.5.0b1, can't test 5.4 as the scene doesn't load in 5.4
- Tried clearing GI cache and deleting library folder to no avail.
- The offending scene is ParticleTests_LightsModule; it loads fine on its own, but crashes when loaded using LoadSceneAsync
- Rebaking light in ParticleTests_LightsModule did not fix the issue
========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ==================
0x0000000140A7C1DF (Unity) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\runtime\camera\reflectionprobes.cpp:1360] ReflectionProbes::BlurProbeFaces
0x0000000140A7F99C (Unity) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\runtime\camera\reflectionprobes.cpp:1445] ReflectionProbeJob::Run
0x0000000140A80D59 (Unity) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\runtime\camera\reflectionprobes.cpp:875] ReflectionProbes::UpdateRealtimeReflectionProbesTimesliced
0x0000000140A80E41 (Unity) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\runtime\camera\reflectionprobes.cpp:899] ReflectionProbes::Update
0x0000000140A81928 (Unity) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\runtime\camera\rendermanager.cpp:178] RenderManager::RenderOffscreenCameras
0x0000000141A20E5C (Unity) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\editor\src\application.cpp:2692] Application::UpdateScene
0x0000000141A2273F (Unity) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\editor\src\application.cpp:2565] Application::UpdateSceneIfNeeded
0x0000000141A2B42F (Unity) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\editor\src\application.cpp:1845] Application::TickTimer
0x0000000141B14360 (Unity) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\editor\platform\windows\wineditormain.cpp:386] MainMessageLoop
0x0000000141B1597D (Unity) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\editor\platform\windows\wineditormain.cpp:1014] WinMain
0x0000000141E50AC0 (Unity) [f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_64_amd64\crt\src\crt0.c:275] __tmainCRTStartup
0x00007FFA19DE8102 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk
0x00007FFA1A01C5B4 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart
========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========
Oct 21, 2016 14:56
Any know workarounds?
Oct 21, 2016 14:56
This was also started happening for me in 5.4.1f1, but not in previous versions.
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This is a duplicate of issue #832595