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Realtime lighting contribution is broken on normal mapped surfaces when using Baked Indirect lighting mode



Steps to reproduce:

1. Download the attached project and open CornellBox scene
2. In the Lighting Settings window, change the lighting mode to Baked Indirect
3. In the Hierarchy panel, make sure that the Directional Light is enabled
4. Bake the lighting
5. Focus on the CornellBox_FrontFace object (Hierarchy > CornellBox) and notice strange direct lighting artifacts


- Reproduces in all render paths
- The issue does not reproduce on surfaces without a normal map

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is a shortcoming of using normal maps and single sided geometry. We're not using the geometric normal on top of the normal map normal for visibility checks. Shadowmask works because lighting is obscured by the shadows from the baking process. Shadowmaps can't do that, because they only see the geometry as a flat plane.
    If you want a more correct solution, you either need to close the geometry so there's a proper backface to obscure the light, use parallax occlusion with shadow ray marching or tessellate the geometry.

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