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Realtime Directional light makes ring-shaped artifacts on static objects

Global Illumination


Steps to reproduce:

1) Download attached project " GI " and open in Untiy.
2) In Lightning tab, scroll down. Clear Baked Data and press on Build button, to build lightmaps.
3) Press Play.
4) Use '<' and '>' buttons to control Directional light rotation and intensity. As that light is marked as 'Realtime', it will affect Enlighten's clusters, which in result changes final realtime lightmap and position of artifacts during execution ( look at " artifacts.gif", "artifacts01.gif").

Note : While you changing rotation and intensity of Directional light, you can clearly see those artifacts on walls and ceiling.
If you change graphics quality those artifacts still remains.

Tested versions : 5.3.4f1, 5.3.5p5, 5.4.0b23.

Comments (2)

  1. minev

    Jun 26, 2016 21:59

    Could someone link the issue that this one is a duplicate off?


  2. minev

    Jun 23, 2016 06:56

    I would just like to add that the issue is not necessarily connected just to Directional lights.
    Position and shape of artifacts changes with modifying state of other lights in the scene, as well as Albedo values of static geometry materials, affecting Enlighten clusters distribution and values.

    Regards from Issue reporter :),

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