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RaycastHit.normal ignores Physics.queriesHitBackfaces when Raycasting a line
How to reproduce:
1. Open User Attached project
2. Open "RayScene" Scene
3. Observe the ray casted from the bottom cube
Expected results: casted ray is deflected back when backface is hit
Actual results: casted ray ignores backface
Reproduced: 2017.1.5f1, 2017.2.3p3, 2017.4.9f1, 2018.1.9f1, 2018.2.4f1, 2018.3.0a9
Note1: functions as intended when sphere casting or box casting (check RayCreater Game Object > Ray Test component for comparison)
Note2: ever since 2018.3.0a5, all raycasting methods ignore backface
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Resolution Note:
When a Raycast hits a triangle, it will always return the normal of that triangle and the normal is not dependent on the observer position (i.e. where the ray was launched from), which is why we’re seeing the result that we see. A manual inversion can be applied to the normal if the Raycast angle is below/above a certain threshold.
Regarding Note 1: Not true, one can see where the cast was when it hit, but the normal (blue line) still represents the normal of the hit triangle rather than the direction the triangle was hit from.
Regarding Note 2: Not true using 2018.3.0b4 on macOS. All queries presented in the script correctly hit mesh collider backfaces.