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Progressive lightmapper and Enlighten Baked GI results don't match

Progressive Lightmapper


Reproduction steps:
1. Open attached project ""
2. Open scene "Scene1", in Scene View, examine GameObjects
3. Open scene "Scene2", in Scene View, examine GameObjects

Expected result: No visual differences
Actual result: Visual differences

Reproducible with: 2018.4.27f1, 2019.4.10f1, 2020.1.5f1, 2020.2.0b2

  1. Resolution Note:

    The way Enlighten and Progressive Lightmappers generate GI, is fundamentally different. That's one of the reasons why there are differences in output. Enlighten uses as many bounces as needed to reach convergence, which is defined by a threshold value.
    Progressive lightmappers use a fixed number of bounces that you can define in the UI. The higher the number, the more paths the lightmapper will create. This will result in longer baking times, but a brighter/more realistic output. In 2020.2, we now allow users to set up to 100 bounces, as opposed to the previous maximum of 4.
    While you can always boost the Albedo and Indirect Intensity values, doing so will result in non-PBR compliant lighting. Instead, we'd recommend increasing the light intensity and the bounce count.

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