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Fixed in 0.7.0-preview.1



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Profile Analyzer 'Top 10 Markers' depth filter text displays '-1' when Right or Left Depth Slice is set to 'all'

Package: Profile Analyzer


How to reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Import the Profile Analyzer package from the Package Manager
3. Open the Profile Analyzer window (Window -> Analysis -> Profile Analyzer)
4. In the Profile Analyzer window click the Compare tab and load the attached data (Capture (2019.3.6f1).data.pdata and Capture (2020.1.0b2).data.pdata)
5. Disable the Auto Right tick box
6. Set the Left Depth Slice to 'all' and the Right Depth Slice to any number (or Right to 'all' and Left to a number)

Expected result: the text below 'Top 10 Markers on median frames' displays chosen Depth Slices ('all' and a number)
Actual result: the text displays chosen Depth Slices but '-1' is written instead of 'all'

Reproducible with: 0.5.0 - preview.1 (2020.1.0b3), 0.6.0 - preview.1 (2020.2.0a5)
Not reproducile with 0.4.0 - preview.5 (2018.4.20f1), 0.4.0 - preview.6 (2019.3.7f1)
Could not test with package versions: 0.4.0 - preview.3 (could not load the data)

1. The text correctly displays 'all' when both Right and Left Depth Slices are set to 'all'
2. Packages 0.4.0-preview.5, 0.4.0-preview.6 display only the Right Depth Slice

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 0.7.0-preview.1):

    Depth filter text now displayed correctly

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