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Fixed in 0.7.0-preview.4



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Profile Analyzer continuously increases Editor memory usage when the Play Mode is paused

Package: Profile Analyzer


How to reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Open the Profiler window (Window -> Analysis -> Profiler)
3. In the Profiler window enable 'Deep Profile' and 'Call Stacks' (issue reproduces without this step but it makes easier to reproduce)
4. Enter the Play Mode to record some profiling data (~1000 frames are enough but more frames make it easier to reproduce the issue)
5. Pause the Play Mode
6. Import the Profile Analyzer package from the Package Manager
7. Open the Profile Analyzer window (Window -> Analysis -> Profile Analyzer)
8. Select the Compare tab and Pull Data into both slots
9. Open the Windows Task Manager
10. In the Profile Analyzer start pressing the 'Compare' button

Expected result: according to the Windows Task Manager the amount of memory used by the Unity Editor does not change drastically
Actual result: the amount of memory used by the Unity Editor continuously increases

Reproducible with: 0.4.0-preview.3 (2018.4.23f1), 0.4.0-preview.5 (2018.4.23f1), 0.4.0-preview.6 (2019.3.14f1), 0.5.0-preview.1 (2019.3.14f1), 0.6.0-preview.1 (2019.3.14f1, 2020.1.0b9, 2020.2.0a12)

1. The issue does not occur when exiting Play Mode instead of pausing it (step 5)
2. Closing the Profile Analyzer and Profiler windows, exiting Play Mode does not decrease the used memory after the issue occurs. At this point, the Editor needs restarting

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 0.7.0-preview.4):

    Memory Usage of Profiler Analyzer improved

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