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[Probuilder] Move, scale or rotate widget fails to appear when the Probuilder window is open

Package: Probuilder


Repro steps:

- download and open this project
- if the ProBuilder window is not showing, open the ProBuilder window
- make a new shape
- press W to move that shape and notice the move widget is not appearing
- select the light from the scene and notice that you can't move that one either.
- close the ProBuilder window and notice that you can now move things again in the scene

Reproducvible in 2019.3.0b7, 2020.1.0a9 and 2019.2.0f1 with ProBuilder 4.1.0

Note 1: Cannot reproduce in 2019.2 with the verified for package for that editor version, which is 4.0.5. It does happen, however, if the user decides to upgrade the package to 4.1.0

Note 2: Probuilder Package version 4.0.5 yields this compilation error in 2019.3 and 2020.1 so the users cannot downgrade package version as a workaround

Library\PackageCache\com.unity.probuilder@4.0.5\Editor\EditorCore\EditorUtility.cs(302,43): error CS0104: 'Snapping' is an ambiguous reference between 'UnityEngine.ProBuilder.Snapping' and 'UnityEngine.Snapping'

  1. Resolution Note:

    As designed, if in sub-level and no selection is active, the handles won't show up.

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