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Won't Fix

Under Consideration for 2021.3.X, 2022.3.X



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Issue ID




Presets for Buttons, InputFields, and Dropdowns don't get applied when creating new TMP versions



How to reproduce:
1. Create and open a new project
2. Install the TextMeshPro Package
3. Create “UI > Dropdown - TextMeshPro” and “UI > Legacy > Dropdown” in the Hierarchy
4. Change any one property (like Transition to “None“) in the Dropdown components of each UI Element
5. Create a preset of both Dropdown Components (by clicking the slider icons to the left of the three vertical dots) in the Inspector
6. Open the “Project Settings > Preset Manager”
7. Add both presets to the Preset Manager
8. Delete and re-add both Dropdown UI Elements in the Hierarchy
9. Observe the changed fields in the Inspector

Expected result: Both the TextMeshPro Dropdown and the Legacy Dropdown have their presets applied
Actual result: Only the Legacy Dropdown has its preset applied

Reproducible in: 2021.3.40f1, 2022.3.38f1, 2023.3.0b4
Not reproducible in: 6000.0.11f1
Fixed in: 2023.3.0b5

Reproduced on: Windows 11 Pro (23H2)
Not reproduced on: No other environment tested

Note: Also reproducible with Button and InputField Components, but not with the Text Component

  1. Resolution Note:

    Thanks for reporting this issue. Given this was fixed in 6000 and affects a legacy feature, the risk of trying to backport a fix is too high.

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