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Won't Fix in 2023.2.X

Under Consideration for 2022.3.X



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Issue ID




Presets documentation is out of date for 2022.3 and 6000.0 streams



How to reproduce:
# Open HUB;
# Create a new project;
# Add new game object in "Hierarchy" window;
# Go to "Inspector" window;
# Click on "Preset" icon, which is on the right from the help icon in the "Transform" section;
# In "Select Preset" window click "Create new Preset";
# Enter preset name and click "Save";
# Verify, that newly created preset becomes displayed in "Assets" folder in "Project" window;
# Select that newly created preset and verify that its data become displayed in the "Inspector" tab;
# Click on "Open Reference for Preset" help icon.
# Verify, that you get "Sorry... that page seems to be missing!". 
# Type "Presets" into search field;
# Click on the first displayed result item - "Presets";
# In "Version" select  2022.1 or 2022.2 or 2023.1;
# Verify, that version changes;
# Scroll to the "Saving property settings to a Preset" section;

Expected Result: This section presents out of date for 2022.1, 2022.2 and 2023.1 streams, which is correct for 2020.3 and 2021.3 streams.
Actual Result: "Saving property settings to a Preset" section should provide updated documentation for above mentioned streams.

Reproducible with: 2022.1.19f1, 2022.2.0b10, 2023.1.0a13.

Note: All three links, where documentation should be updated.


  1. Resolution Note (2023.2.X):

    Closing as Won't fix due to 2023.2 reaching it's EOL.

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