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Prefab Variant in Project view still shows changes made and applied in the Hierarchy/Sciene view



To reproduce:

* Open Unity Hub and create the New Project;
* Create Prefab in the Hierarchy window;
* From Prefab in the Hierarchy window make a Prefab Variant;
* Made some changes to Prefab Variant in the Hierarchy window and Apply those changes to it;
* Observe that those changes are applied in the Hierarchy window;
* Select the Prefab Variant in the Project view;

Expected result: In the Project view Prefab Variant doesn't show any made changes;
Actual result: In Project view, Prefab Variant shows every made change - component was Added, Removed, or Modified;

* With the Standard/Original Prefab this issue does not happen;
* From the Project view you can still have the option to Revert changes made in the Hierarchy/Scene view;
* This behavior also sometimes happens when applying Prefab Variant changes to the Parent Prefab - Parent Prefab doesn't show anything, but Prefab Variant still shows changes that were made and applied;

Reproducible in Unity 2020.3.41f1, 2021.3.13f1, 2022.1.22f1, 2022.2.0b12, and 2023.1.0a18

  1. Resolution Note:

    After talking on Slack/Zoom to Jonas we agreed the behavior is correct:
    - In the scene we have an instance of the Variant and there is no difference between the instance (Scene Object) and the asset (Variant) => the override indicator is not visible
    - When selecting the Variant we have an instance of the Parent and there is a difference between the instance (Variant) and the asset (Parent) => the override indicator is visible

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