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Prefab preview scene in Auto mode ignores baked lighting data

Progressive Lightmapper


Prefabs can be opened in a separate scene, a prefab preview scene. This scene, like all others, can have Auto mode in its Lighting settings. However, when entering prefab editing mode, the lighting data baked with auto is not loaded.

Reproduce like this:
1. Make a prefab preview scene and assign it in the project settings (with a different skybox than the default)
2. Set the prefab preview scene to Auto baking, let it bake and and save it
3. Make a new scene and add a prefab.
4. Open the prefab in the new scene for editing. It should switch to the prefab preview scene with the object in it.
5. Observe that for instance baked reflections and ambient light are gone.

Refer to for more information

  1. Resolution Note (2020.1.X):

    This issue has been identified as having low priority and has been closed without a fix. If the bug has no workaround and is blocking your production, please feel free to reopen it with any additional information you might have. Sorry for the inconvenience this might cause.

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