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Prefab Edit mode ignores Sprite's pixels-per-unit setting

Scene Management


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open original project "Bug (prefab editor).zip"
2. Observe button in Scene, notice that button texture is mapped correctly
3. Expand Canvas and open Button prefab in Prefab Edit mode.

Expected result: Prefab Edit mode should keep Sprite's pixels-per-unit setting
Actual result: Prefab Edit mode ignores Sprite's pixels-per-unit setting

Reproduced in: 2018.3.0a6, 2018.3.5f1, 2019.1.0b1, 2019.2.0a4

Note: Only reproducible with Improved Prefabs that were introduced in 2018.3.0a6

  1. Resolution Note (2018.3.X):

    When UI prefab is opened in Prefab Mode, it creates an environment canvas with default settings.
    So, when you open "Button" prefab in the Prefab mode, the generated canvas has "Reference Pixels Per Unit: 100" in Canvas Scaler component
    What can be done is that you can setup a scene with the canvas you want and assign this scene as UI Environment scene in Editor settings.
    Then all the UI prefabs opened in Prefab Mode will use your UI Environment scene instead of a default one.

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