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Power node incorrectly calculates the output when Gradient Noise output is connected to Power nodes "A" input in the Shader Graph



How to reproduce:

# Create a new project
# Install the Shader Graph package from the Package Manager
# Create a built-in Lit Shader Graph in the Project window
# Open the Shader Editor
# Add “Gradient Noise” node
# Add “Power“ math node
# Connect “Gradient Noise” node output to “Power” nodes “A“ input
# Observe the output preview within the “Power“ node

Expected results: The output is calculated correctly
Actual results: The output is calculated incorrectly and pink spots appear on the output preview of the “Power“ node

Reproducible in: 2021.3.33f1, 2022.3.15f1, 2023.2.4f1, 2023.3.0a19

Reproduced on: Windows 11 Pro
Not reproduced on: No other environment tested

  1. Resolution Note:

    In some circumstances, the math for procedural noise operations can dip outside of the 0-1 range. The power operation in shaders on most platforms does not support negative numbers. We don't want this node to perform additional operations if at all possible, so we do not sanitize the output for the traditional 0-1 range.

    To correct the issue, use the abs or clamp node to sanitize the gradient noise output before using the power node.

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