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PostProcessing effect sets the Camera's DepthTextureMode when active, but doesn't clear it when inactive

Post Processing


To reproduce:

1. Download attached project "" and open in Unity
2. Open "SampleScene" scene
3. Enter Play mode
4. Observe that there is a GUILayout.Label showing the value of Camera's depthTextureMode property. It should start as None
5. Use the button in the UI to ENABLE the Depth of Field effect
6. Notice the Camera's depthTextureMode property changes to Depth
7. Use the button in the UI to DISABLE the Depth of Field effect

Expected Result: When the PostProcessing Effects are not using the Camer's Depth texture, the Camera's depthTextureMode is set to None
Actual Result: The Camera's depthTextureMode property stays as Depth, it does not change

- This issue appears both on Windows and OSX

Reproduced on Unity 2018.1.9f2, 2018.2.10f1, 2018.3.0b3 and 2019.1.0a2
Could not check for regression on Unity 2017.* because project becomes corrupted

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is not something we can fix without breaking other things (custom image effects that require DepthTextureMode come to mind).

    For a complete description of the problem and potential solutions we tried (and side effects), please see this report on the Github repository:

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