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[Post Processing] Chromatic Aberration and Grain have empty checkboxes with no descriptions

Post Processing


Reproduction steps:
1. Create a new project
2. Import Post Processing package via Package Manager
3. Add Post-process Volume component to the Camera
4. Create a new Post-process Profile (on the component)
5. In Component go Add Effect -> Unity -> Chromatic Aberration
6. Inspect the settings for the effect

Expected result: Fast Mode option does not have an empty checkbox
Actual result: Fast Mode option has an empty checkbox

Reproducible with: 3.2.0 (2019.4.34f1, 2020.3.25f1, 2021.2.7f1, 2022.1.0b2)

Note: the same type of empty checkbox is under Grain Post-processing effect settings for "Colored" setting

  1. Resolution Note:

    This checkbox is just the checkbox for the "Fast mode" field, similar to how the slider above it is for the "Intensity" field. It's a pattern you see everywhere in Unity, in pretty much all inspectors with checkboxes - field name in the left column, field value in the right column, the value in this case being a checkbox instead of a slider or a drop down.

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