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Plugins .meta files are empty when adding empty plugins to the project



*Steps to reproduce:*

1. Open the attached "" project

2. Go to assets > Plugins > iOS

3. Drag and drop attached "dylibas.dylib" plugin

4. Go to project folder > Assets > Plugins > iOS

5. Open "dylibas.dylib.meta" file with any text editor

*Actual results:* The file is empty

*Expected results:* The file contains all Plugin Importer settings

*Reproducible with versions:* 2023.2.0a17, 6000.0.4f1

*Not reproducible with versions:* 2021.3.39f1, 2022.3.30f1, 2023.2.0a16

*Tested on (OS):* MacBook Pro, Apple M1 Max, OS: Sonoma 14.4.1

* If any settings are changed in the Plugin Importer, the file is updated
* Building an Xcode project with this type of plugin in Xcode build fails
* The issue was reproduced with both .dylib and .m plugins

  1. Resolution Note:

    By design - default values are not serialised into meta files anymore

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