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Particle system sub-emitted particles freeze while not in play mode.



Particle system sub-emitted particles freeze while not in play mode.

To reproduce:

1. Open project.
2. Enter Scene view.
3. Select "Particle System" game object in the Hierarchy window.
4. Press "Simulate" button in Scene view.

Expected results: expected.gif
Actual results: actual.gif

Important note: Particles work as expected when in play mode.

Reproduces with: 5.6.0b1; 5.6.0b2;
Doesn't reproduce with: 5.5.0p1;

Comments (1)

  1. I-am-Lawrence

    Apr 14, 2017 03:59

    I'm just now starting to get into particles and this happens constantly to me. It's a shame!

    In my case this issue is directly related to the 'Playback Time' feature. When clicking between related particle systems, the 'Playback Time' will continue increasing. This means that if you are working on your particle system settings for 5 minutes, setting up collision effects, sub emitters, trail renderers, etc, when you are done and click over to another related particle system, the entire system recalculates for a playback time of 300+, which instantly freezes my system, unless of course you stop the simulation before clicking over (every time).

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