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Fixed in 2020.1.X
Fixed in 2019.3.X
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Issue ID
Particle System Shape Module fails to enable Mesh r/w on build when the Mesh is also used by the imported Skinned Mesh Renderer
How to reproduce:
1. Open scene 'Main' from the attached project
2. In Hierarchy delete "WizardHat"
3. Save scene (Ctrl+S)
4. Drag "WizardHat" from Project window to Hierarchy
5. Select "Particle System" and in Inspector expand Shape Module
6. Drag "WizardHat" from Hierarchy to the 'Mesh' slot of Shape Module
7. Save scene (Ctrl+S)
8. Open Build Settings and set the active scene to be included
9. Build and try running the project
Expected result: Build runs and particles emit
Actual result: Build crashes
Reproducible with: 2019.1.0a3, 2019.2.20f1, 2019.3.1f1, 2020.1.0a22
Not reproducible with: 2017.4.36f1, 2018.4.17f1, 2019.1.0a2
Workaround: Manually enable Read/Write in model Import Settings
Note: Does not reproduce on 2019.1.0a3 if step 3 is skipped
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Resolution Note (fix version 2020.1):
Fixed in 2020.1.0a24. A warning will now be thrown to report that the Mesh must be read/write enabled when assigning a Mesh with blend shapes to a ParticleSystems ShapeModule through a script in a Player build.
Resolution Note (fix version 2019.3):
Fixed in 2019.3.6f1