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Overlapping NavMesh Links make the Agent turn in the wrong direction then teleport to its destination

AI Navigation


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open attached Unity Project ""
2. Load Scene "stacked navmesh links"
3. Enter Play mode
4. Click on the upper left plane
5. Click on the upper right plane while the Agent is in-between planes

Expected result: Agent's destination is recalculated and it moves accordingly
Actual result: Agent goes in the wrong direction, then teleports/teleports/turns one way and then turns around to its proper destination (see gif "navmesh-teleport")

Reproducible with: 5.6.0f3*, 2017.1.0b1*, 2017.1.0b5*, 2017.1.0b6, 2017.1.0b10, 2017.2.0b1, 2017.2.0b2

*this version produces a clear teleportation "effect" which results in the NavMesh Agent getting stuck.

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