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Fixed in 5.5.0



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[OcclusionCulling] Meshes that has a transparent sub-material does not work as occluders even when camera is facing opaque parts



Steps to reproduce:

1. Create new Unity project
2. Import the attached package (TestCase_SubmaterialOcclusion_Package.unitypackage)
3. Open the 'TestCase_SubmaterialOcclusion' scene
4. Notice that there is a room with one transparent wall and other opaque walls
5. Open 'Occlusion' window and select 'Visualization' tab (make sure that the camera named WithTransparentWall is being visualized)
6. Notice that the cylinders outside the room are rendered as expected since the camera is facing a transparent wall
7. Rotate the camera so that it would face other opaque walls
8. Notice the cylinders outside the walls are still rendered even though camera is looking at an opaque wall

Note: Everything works as expected if the whole room is opaque (you can test that by "visualizing" the camera named AllOpaqueWalls).

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