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Object behave in an incorrect way when intersecting with a collider



Steps to reproduce :

- import the project attached
- open the scene "sc1" and press play
- press "w" to jump and notice the behavior of the player

*Note :
In order to emphasize this more select Chain in the Hierarchy and set the force to 470 in the Playertest script

Explanation :

The user is ignoring collisions between the player and the platform when the velocity shows that it is moving up. Given then velocity in the default project, this ends when the player is in the middle of the platform i.e. the player and the platform are forced to be overlapping.

Box2D solves overlaps by applying an impulse to solve this overlap through the nearest exterior point which is at an angle.

It seems the user somehow expects that all overlaps are solved by moving an object upwards and whilst that may be what the user wants, this simply isn't the case.

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