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Noise Sine Wave Node is flickering when connected to Time Parameter of a Time Node



How to reproduce:
1. Create a new High Definition 3D Project
2. Create a new Shader Graph (Right-click in the Project window -> Create -> Shader Graph -> HDRP -> Lit Shader Graph)
3. Open the created Shader Graph
4. Create a Time Node (Right-click -> Create Node -> Type in "Time" -> Click Enter)
5. Create a Noise Sine Wave Node (Right-click -> Create Node -> Type in "Noise Sine Wave" -> Click Enter)
6. Connect the Time parameter to the Noise Sine Wave In(1) parameter
7. Observe the Preview

Expected result: No flickering occurs
Actual result: The preview starts flickering, and it does not transition smoothly

Reproducible with: 2023.2.20f1

Reproduced on: macOS Sonoma 14.4.1

Note: Not sure if this is as designed, but changing the Noise Sine Wave Node "Min Max(2)" Parameter to X = 1 and Y = 1 makes for a smooth transition.

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