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Fixed in 5.4.0



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Issue ID




NetworkTransport Websocket inserts invalid characters on large packet size



Reproduction steps:
1. Open User's project
2. Open "Fps2dDevMenuFsm" script
3. Edit 117 and 123 lines - change ip address
4. Build and run to WebGL
5. Build and run to Standalone
6. In Standalone select "Launch Server2 Server"
7. In WebGL build select "Launch Server2 Client"
-Note: you can track project activity by opening consoles in both builds with ` key.
8. Notice that after some amount of bytes is sent - the server gets invalid characters (nulls or EoS). At some point errors are thrown

Expected: The size before error is thrown should be bigger.

Reproduced in versions: Unity 5.2.4f1, 5.3.4f1, 5.3.5f1, 5.4.0b12, 5.4.0b17, 5.4.0b19

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