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Navigating to the End of an Input Field using the 'End' Key does not work as expected.



Navigating to the End of an Input Field using the 'End' key does not work as expected when the Input Field is at its maximum value.

Reproduction Steps:
1. Download attached project and open 'Controls' Scene
2. Copy and paste maximum length string into the Multi-Line Input Field. You can speed up this process by copy and pasting progressively larger and larger strings.
3. Navigate to the beginning of the field with the 'Home' Key on your keyboard.
4. Navigate to the end of the field with the 'End' Key on your keyboard.
5. Take note here of the large 'blank' gap.
6. Press the 'Up' or 'Left' Arrow keys on your Keyboard.
7. Note how the Text caret doesn't move with Left Key and skips all the way to the beginning of the Text Field with the Up Key.

Expected Result
Navigating with End and Arrow Keys should work in this situation

Actual Result
They don't

See attached .gif for visual demonstration

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