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Name of the Material in the Material Hierarchy Popup window is cut off



*Steps to reproduce:*

1. Open the attached project

2. Select the material in the Assets folder named "New Material_1970_1970_1970_1970_1970"

3. Click the "Material Hierarchy Popup" button in the Inspector window

4. Observe the Material name at the top of the popup window

*Actual results:* Longer material names are cut off

*Expected results:* The field for the Material name has the overflow setting to showcase the whole name

*Reproducible with versions:* 2022.3.34f1, 6000.0.7f1

*Can’t test with versions:* 2021.3.39f1

*Tested on (OS):* macOS 14.5, Ubuntu 24

  1. Resolution Note:

    Ellipsis overflow truncation is not an option on ImGUI, and this would require a lot of custom logic to fix. Given the low severity of the bug, I'm closing this as won't fix.

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