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Fixed in 5.5.0



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Issue ID




Multiple object selection in the Scene view only selects previously filtered objects after clearing the filter in the Hierarchy

Scene/Game View


(Check the attached *.gif file to see the bug)

Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project
2. Navigate to Assets
3. Open the scene Scene.unity
4. In the Hierarchy dialog, filter game object by typing 'First'
5. Clear the filtering by name in Hierarchy dialog
6. Try select multiple objects in the Scene view
7. Only one object(First) will be selected


1. Create a project
2. Create a cube
3. Rename it ('First')
4. Create a cube
5. Rename it ('Second')
4. In the Hierarchy dialog, filter game object by name by typing 'First'
5. Clear the filtering by name in Hierarchy dialog
6. Try select multiple objects in the Scene view
7. Only one object(First) will be selected

Expected result: Select all objects in the Scene view
Actual result: You cannot select more than one object

Reproduced with: 5.5.0b4, 5.4.1f1, 5.3.4f1, 5.2.5f1

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