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Mouse input doesn't call touchscreen keyboard



Mouse input doesn't call touchscreen keyboard

Selecting input field with physical mouse, which is connected to touchscreen device, touchscreen keyboard doesn't appear.

Selecting input field with touch, touchscreen keyboard appears.

Physical mouse should work the same as touch input.

Reproducible with 4.6.0RC1 on Windows Store Apps. Also, should be reproducible on Android.

Repro steps:
1. open project "UIrc1Project";
2. build to Win Store Apps platform;
3. try clicking with connected mouse on input fields in the first scene called "Controls";

Comments (2)

  1. yoonitee

    Dec 18, 2014 12:08

    I disagree.

    The touchscreen keyboard should only appear
    1) if you touch the input control
    2) if you have no keyboard.

  2. yoonitee

    Dec 18, 2014 12:08

    I disagree.

    The touchscreen keyboard should only appear
    1) if you touch the input control
    2) if you have no keyboard.

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