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Third Party Issue

Under Consideration for 2021.2.X, 2022.1.X



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Issue ID




MissingReferenceException on the VolumeManager when entering Play mode

RP Workflow


How to reproduce:
1. Open the user's attached project
2. Open the 'Operator' Scene
3. Enter the Play mode

Expected result: No exceptions are in the Console
Actual result: Multiple 'MissingReferenceException: The object of type 'Volume' has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it.' are thrown in the Console

Reproducible with: 12.1.4 (2021.2.10f1), 13.1.5 (2022.1.0b7)
Could not test with: 7.7.1 (2019.4.35f1), 10.8.1 (2020.3.27f1) (Multiple compile errors), 14.0.0 (2022.2.0a4) ('Exception: SteamApi_Init returned false. Steam isn't running, couldn't find Steam, AppId is ureleased, Don't own AppId.')

  1. Resolution Note:

    The issue is caused by double-registration of Volume components into VolumeManager by user code (DesktopManager.OnValidate() calling SetActive()). It is not supported to do object modifications such as calling SetActive() from OnValidate() (see You can use EditorApplication.delayCall to defer the activation logic.

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