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Fixed in 2017.3.0f3



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Mesh particles with materials using instanced shaders always emit at (0,0,0) position

Visual Effects - Legacy


Particle system in Mesh Render Mode with an instanced material attached to the mesh emits the particles at (0,0,0) position even while changing position of the game object that has the particle system attached to it.

To reproduce:
1. Open the attached project "New Unity Project"
2. Select "ParticleSystem" game object
3. Simulate the Particle Effect
4. Observe how particles are emitting at (0,0,0) position even though the game object is at (15,15,0).

Expected: Particles are emitting at the same place where the "ParticleSystem" game object is.
Actual: Particles are always emitting at (0,0,0) position regardless of where the "ParticleSystem" game object is.

Reproduced on: 5.4.0f3, 5.5.0a5

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