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Material renderQueue resets upon any changes made to the material or reselecting it

Graphics - General


Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Create a new material
3. Change renderQueue value
4. Make any other changes

Expected result: values stay at what you changed them into
Actual result: renderQueue is reset to FromShader(2000)

Reproduced on 5.6.0b4, 5.6.0b7
Feature introduced in 5.6.0b4

Comments (1)

  1. MartinGebske

    Jan 31, 2018 13:03

    Hope this gets a quick fix. We're using custom Render Queues in our Project on Glass. And the editing is REALLY annoying.

    -> Touch Specular Slider
    -> Queue is reset to 3000
    -> Change Specular value (blind)
    -> Set Queue to 3001 manually
    ... Result is not like expected?
    -> Repeat


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