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Fixed in 2023.2.0a16



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[macOS M1]Opening VFX Graph assets causes flickering of Editor windows



How to reproduce:
1. Import the attached VFX asset to the URP or HDRP project
2. Copy that asset (CMD +C)
3. Paste that asset (CMD + V)
4. Open copy pasted asset by double clicking on it

Actual result: Scene View and/or Inspector, Project Browser starts flickering, we are unable to navigate in the Editor and perform any action

Reproducible with: 2023.2.0a14, 2023.2.0a15
Not reproducible with: 2023.2.0a13.1181

- We weren't able to reproduce on Windows, and macOS Intel
- Couldn't reproduce with other assets such as ShaderGraph, Lighting Settings
- After speaking with UI developer it might be not VFX related, but as I could not reproduce with any other asset it affects majority of users using VFX Graph hence user prevalence
- About VFX. It seems to happen with particular assets, assets that do contain particle strips data type cause 100% reproduction (haven't checked context inspector), if it contains regular particles it does not seem to reproduce the issue.

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