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[MacOS] Floating Windows opened when not in full-screen will be inaccessible when toggling full-screen mode



*Steps to reproduce:*
# Open a Unity Project
# Ensure the Editor is not in full-screen
# Create a floating Editor Window (for example, drag the Game Window out from being docked
# Put the Editor into full-screen mode using the green circle at the top left

*Actual results:* The floating Editor Window is lost to the Editor and is inaccessible until you exit full-screen mode.

*Expected results:* The floating Editor Window will bring itself forward when the Editor enters full-screen.

This is how it works when you open a floating Editor Window while already in full-screen. Even if you exit full-screen and re-enter full-screen, the Editor Window will adapt itself and bring itself to the forefront.

*Reproducible with versions:* 
* 6000.0.19f1 (MacOS)
* 2022.3.46f1 (MacOS)
* 2021.3.43f1 (MacOS)

*Not reproducible with versions:* 
* Any version (Windows)

*Can’t test with versions:* - 

*Tested on (OS):* MacOS Silicon


  1. Resolution Note:

    macOS doesn't have the same focus pattern as Windows. Your floating windows get behind the main editor window and can be retrieved using
    Window > Bring All to Front or the macOS shortcut to cycle windows (on an english keyboard, it's "CMD + ~").

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