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[Linux] Crash on ContainerWindow::ToggleMaximize when clicking RMB while moving window inside the Editor



Reproduction steps:
1. Create a new Project
2. Hold LMB on any window title
3. Move the window
4. Click RMB while moving the window

Expected results: Window tab is docked
Actual results: Unity Editor crashes

Reproduced with: 2021.3.44f1, 2022.3.47f1, 6000.0.20f1

Reproduced on: Ubuntu 22.04
Not reproduced on: Windows 10

First lines of the stack trace:
#2 0x0055a3d622a750 in ContainerWindow::ToggleMaximize()
#3 0x0055a3d621f895 in GUIView::UpdateBackingScaleFactor()
#4 0x0055a3d62249ff in OnGUIViewButtonRelease(GUIView*, void*)
#5 0x007f4f469bcb87 in gtk_socket_add_id
#6 0x007f4f474add2f in g_closure_invoke

Different first lines of the stack trace from earlier versions:
#2 0x00710bdf3a6cad in gtk_widget_get_scale_factor
#3 0x005e30f1a2aebc in GetGtkWindowScale(_GtkWidget*)
#4 0x005e30f1a2079f in GUIView::UpdateScreenManager()
#5 0x005e30f1a2556c in OnGUIViewButtonRelease(GUIView*, _GdkEvent*)

#1 0x00636689feea4d in GUIView::ProcessInputEvent(InputEvent&)
#2 0x0063668a6a3e1d in OnGUIViewButtonRelease(GUIView*, void*)
#3 0x007de4bb9e5b87 in gtk_socket_add_id
#4 0x007de4c3f84d2f in g_closure_invoke

Note: Click RMB only when the window tab is not in a fixed place, otherwise it will be docked and the Editor will not crash

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