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Fixed in 2019.4.X



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[Lighting] Window doesn't refresh after lighting is baked if not hovered over

Progressive Lightmapper


Lighting Window doesn't refresh after lighting is baked if not hovered over, Force Stop and Cancel button remains even after the baking is done

Steps to Repro:
1. Create a new project
2. Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings
3. Dock window next to the inspector, in 2 by 3 column layout
3. Disable auto-generate lighting
4. Click on generate lighting and move mouse over to another window

Actual Result:
The Force Stop and Cancel button doesn't disappear once the lighting is baked

Expected Result:
The Force Stop and Cancel button should disappear once the lighting is baked

Windows 10 and Mac 10.14

Occurring with:
2019.2.0b5, 2019.2.0b1, 2019.2.0a4

Working with:
2019.3.0a5, 2019.2.0a3, 2018.4.2f1

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