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Lighting has blue color when baking lighting in batchmode



Reproduction steps:
1.1. Open the project in Unity.
1.2. Clear GI cache.
1.3. Delete LightingData in Assets\White\Scenes\Teaser subfolders. It should be in Assets\White\Scenes\Teaser\system.
1.4. Close Unity.
1.5. Run UNITY.EXE -quit -batchmode -projectPath "REPRO_PATH" -executeMethod SystemManager.BakeLighting
1.6. Open Unity and then open scene entryHub.
1.7. Observe how lighting is incorrect (blue in my case).

Steps to verify correct behaviour:
1.8. Rebake ReflectionProbePod1 and ReflectionProbePod2 manually and observe how the lighting changes.
1.9. Rebaking ReflectionProbeUpper manually sometimes does not help.
Alternatively clear the GI cache and delete lighting data and bake lighting and reflection probes manually in the editor.

Reproduced on: 5.5.x, 5.6.1f1, 5.6.1p3, 2017.1.0b8.

  1. Resolution Note:

    This issue has been identified as having low priority and has been closed without a fix. If the bug has no workaround and is blocking your production please feel free to reopen it with any additional information you might have. Sorry for the inconvenience this might cause.

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