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Light Baking displays issues when used with a Cache Server



Lighting that has been manually baked displays visual errors after switching platforms whilst using a Cache Server.

Reproduction Steps:
1. Open the attached reproduction project
2. Ensure that the lighting mode is set to Deferred and the color space is Linear
3. Setup and connect to a Cache Server
4. Bake the lighting data for the scene
5. Switch platform
6. Observe that visual differences will appear

Note that these visual changes only happen when using a Cache Server, only under Deferred+Linear, and if simply developing locally the switching of platforms does not result in any visual difference in the baked lighting. This means that the use of a Cache Server requires a rebake of all the lighting for every scene in a project.

Expected Result:
The use of the Cache Server should not negatively impact the results of baked lighting.

Reproduced in version 5.4.0b23.

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